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Bitcoin Antminer S9 (14Th) from Bitmain Hashrate of 14Th/s Blockchain Crypto Miner |
Buy The Antminer S9 Bitcoin Miner - Bitmain - Model Antminer S9 (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1372W
The S9 utilizes a combination of conduction and convection cooling to make the world’s most powerful miner perform best without getting hotter than any other terahash bitcoin miner.
Every .... |
Buy The Antminer S9 Bitcoin Miner - Bitmain - Model Antminer S9 (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1372W
The S9 utilizes a combination of conduction and convection cooling to make the world’s most powerful miner perform best without getting hotter than any other terahash bitcoin miner.
Every .... |
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Pošlete placenou sms v ceně 39,- Kč ve tvaru
ES(mezera)373356 na telefonní číslo 9070939
1 | Tvar sms ES(mezera) 373356 na 9070939 |
2 | Takto: ES 373356 na 9070939 |
3 | Po odeslání SMS bude Váš inzerát posunut na lepší pozici. |
Zajišťuje společost XPAY. Cena 39,- Kč je konečná.